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How architects can defend their design successfully
April 4, 2024
Reading time 5 minutesArchitects create unique designs that help buildings stand out and function properly. But sometimes it is difficult for architects and designers to defend the initial design throughout the several phases a building project goes through. In this blog, we therefore describe several ways architects can defend their design so that it will be applied within a project.
Which parties can architects generate support from?
To be implemented, an architect’s design has to be supported by several parties. These parties are typically the client and professionals constructing the building: the contractor and material specialists, like a tiler. It is in the best interest of architects to generate support for their work from these parties, since they are the ones who have to approve and implement the design. In this blog, we focus on generating support from clients. In our next blog, we focus on generating support from contractors as well as material specialists, so keep an eye out for it.
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1 Defending a design by showing aesthetic value
Architects not only design buildings to be functional, but also to be aesthetically pleasing. For some clients, the aesthetics of a building are highly important. If architects want to convince a client to go with the design they created, they are advised to present the client with as many specifics as early on as possible. Think about presenting the construction in detailed 3D rendering with rich pictures, since it helps paint a clear and complete picture for clients.
Consider specifying and showing the materials that will be used, for instance. Let’s use tiles as an example, since they have great influence on the look and feel of a building. If the client is presented with a visual concept that contains standard tiles — while in reality tiles with particular aesthetics will be used — they won’t see the added value of the design. But if the client looks at a design that shows a perfect match between floor and wall tiles — when it contributes to the total design of the building in a positive way — they will see the added value of the design.
2 Defending a design by showing technical value
To some clients, the look and feel of a building isn’t the most important criterium of a building . These types of clients are more concerned with functionality, and probably pricing. If this is the case, then the use of a technical angle is recommended. If an architect proposes high-quality tiles with special properties but doesn’t necessarily explain these properties, the client will just feel the tiles are expensive. But if the architect explains that the tiles have higher durability, wear resistance, and colour preservation — keeping the design intact for many years, thus avoiding early replacement and reducing total cost of ownership — the client will be much more prone to go on board with the design.
3 Defending a design through sustainability
To secure a liveable future for the generations to come, sustainable construction is crucial. It is with this, and the general importance of sustainability for our society in mind that architects are increasingly committing themselves to sustainable design. But how is sustainability a powerful way to defend a design? Its power is related to the interest that clients and investors have in green buildings — and, consequently, in green building labels. A green building label enables clients and investors to establish the quality and value — and therefore the competitiveness — of a new building beforehand. Clients and investors will increasingly require buildings to be sustainable because they generate less maintenance and operating costs, and because they represent a higher market value.
If you would like to read about green building labels in greater detail — and why they are so relevant for architects?
> Download our new whitepaper on the topic here.